You’ll be surprised to find that there are a lot of athletes that lack in mobility when it comes to performance. And it’s not only athletes – it’s everyone that needs to be able to perform at their peak on an almost daily basis.

What does this mean? It’s as simple as working on mobility exercises before or after a training session – and it can take as little as 15 minutes a day.

Mobility vs Flexibility

Yes, there is a difference between the two. While mobility is more about the joints and the ability for a joint to move through its entire range fluidly, flexibility refers to the ability of the soft tissues to stretch when needed. Think of the muscles as a rubber band, which will stretch when pulling both ends.

The Importance of Mobility

If you have good mobility, you’ll be able to perform without any limitation on your range of motion. Good flexibility (strength, balance, coordination) with the lacking of good mobility may not let you perform the same movements. In short, to have good mobility you also have to have good flexibility.

The problem is that most athletes won’t know that they have poor mobility until it’s too late, as the body will put up with this only for a certain period.

Why is Good Mobility Important?

  • It decrease the risk of injury
  • It keeps your joints strong and healthy
  • It improves your strength and performance


5 Movement Hacks for Better Recovery

  1. Get more sunlight for the brain and the body by participating in outdoor activities. This can include hiking or simply going for weekday or weekend walks.
  2. Foam roll: spend some time on the main muscles such as your hips, legs and upper back. It’s important to include foam rolling into your pre-warmup routine, and/or before bedtime.
  3. A pre-warmup routine is very important before any strength training as it will help prevent injury and get your circulation going to the right muscle groups. This routine will activate the shoulders, hips and torso.
  4. Include mobility exercises at least 2 to 3 times a week into your routine for at least 5 to 10 minutes. These exercises can include: Push up and Rotate, Leg Swings, Cats and Cows, Superman and Lunge and Rotate.
  5. If there’s no time for extra training in the week, plan a recover day which can include foam rolling, getting some sunlight (going for a walk), as well as low-impact training and mobility exercises – these sessions can be around 30 minutes in total.

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